The most encouraging article you’ll read all week…

E. G. Runyan is a book-writer and chocolate afficionado, determined to complete her mission of excavating good stories from the haystacks of bad ones. You can find her blog at

Recently, we paired up to do a set of guest posts. Her post is on my blog, and if you didn’t catch the announcement, or you did and neglected this, DEFINITELY read that post NOW because it is officially the best thing on my blog.

“The Great Sand Dunes And The Climb of Life.”

Read her post on my blog!

and then…

A post crafted to encourage artists specifically…

Also, I wrote an article, which went up on E. G. Runyan’s blog just recently under the title of “Faithful in little: Encouragement for the average artist.”

“Hey, artists. Are you dissatisfied with the accomplishments that you’ve made in life?” Maybe my post can help! I hope you check it out, and then stick around for some of Emma’s other articles, because they are well worth your time!

“Faithful in Little: Encouragement for The Average Artist.”

Read my post on her blog.

And there you are! A complete overview of the collaboration work of Indy Wild and Emma Runyan!

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