Author Interview with Amy Ullrich.
Hello everyone! I’m so thrilled to have Amy Ullrich joining my blog for an interview. Amy is a young writer and a phenomenal…
After I finished my novel Bloodlines of Fire (which I hope to chop down into a novella and publish), my mother drafted up…
Fire has a tendency of attracting the most vile of creatures.A proverb. Sitting on a large stone in the garden, Ryla let a…
HI everybody! I’ve got a story idea that really needs more development (you know, making people to die, foods to try, and characters…
It’s the sad truth but if you want to truly shape and eventually hone your body of writing, you have to put it to the fire and beat out the imperfections.
We went somewhere today that inspired every single fantasy writing bone in my body (there are, after all, 206). Cut straight from a fantasy book itself, the coffee shop we stopped at was otherworldly.
My book. You’ve probably been scouring the bookstores and harassing sales clerks about the new book they should have… Okay. So, maybe not….
You can be the writer you want to be.
Let it fester. Now that doesn’t exactly sound like good advice for any good guy, but actually, it makes sense. Let me back…