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Autumnal LIfe Update.

The cold of fall is finally here!

After tackling the heat of the Thai summer (or, at least, a good deal of it) and then coming back to endure a scorching Texas summer, I’m extraordinarily glad that the cool is here!

In addition to the jackets from the back of the closet, this season has brought a boatload of writing because November is National Novel Writing Month. A global community of writers gathers to each write 50,000 words in just one month, a race that only 10 – 15% of participants actually complete!

My novel is plodding along excellently and I expect to have finished my newest full-length writing project by December 1st—and if the book takes longer than that, it won’t be much more than another month. Yay for NaNoWriMo! (Hopefully I can fill you all in a little more later)

Along the foraging side of the blog, the persimmons here in Texas are coming in slowly—and I can’t wait for them to fully ripen for a yummy harvest. 😁

We also did some pumpkin carving and this was my end result!

Until next time, y’all,

God bless!

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