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CREEPIEST travel moment yet!

Piha is a famous beach know for surfing and its black sand.

We took the drive out to the location and found it well worth the trip.

An uncapturable view of the ocean and rolling waves, hundreds of feet below, stole my breath.


All my pictures are vastly underwhelming. There’s no way to capture the size, the mind-blowing size of this beach, the rocks, and the waves.

The big rock in the middle of the beach is known as Te Piha, earning the entire area the name Piha.

The massive monolith of stone just kept getting bigger as we got closer. Can you see my brother, just at the base of it?

Tital caves run up under the ocean-facing side of the rock. We poked around in them for a moment, finding more than I expected.

My brother, with the dim light of his phone, explored further in the cave and brought back the unexpected news of seeing the foot of a dead person.

Leaving no mystery unsolved, we investigated further, with another phone, which shed some good light on the case.

We discovered that what looked like a foot was actually an odd piece of driftwood. What a relief! (Some of us are still having doubts, however.)

Back out of the caves, we walked along the soft sand of the beach, watching and (in some cases) standing in the crashing waves.

It was an incredible experience. The flat beach and the coursing waves, with the massive stones out there in the distance. Oh. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

100% come here if you’re ever in the area!


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