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Author Interview with Amy Ullrich.

Hello everyone!

I’m so thrilled to have Amy Ullrich joining my blog for an interview. Amy is a young writer and a phenomenal watercolor painter (see her work here), who is about to release her debut novel, Among the Great. She’s currently building a list of email subscribers–and I sincerely hope you will consider joining me in supporting her because her book is wonderful. I’d love it if all of you read it.

Indy. Thanks for joining me! Congratulations on finishing your book.

Amy. Thanks, Indy!

Indy. Tell us about yourself, Amy.

Amy. I am a writer and artist based in Western Australia. I wrote my first “proper” story when I was six years old, and have been writing stories ever since. At first, I mostly wrote fairytales, but as my love for history grew, I decided to combine my two passions and write historical fiction instead!

Indy. That’s awesome. Can you tell us a little about the book?

Amy. Among the Great is set in the 9th century, during the reign of Alfred the Great. It is the story of a brother and sister who find themselves caught up in the turmoil of their times and must learn to discern between truth and falsehood, friend and foe, or be swept away on a tide of treachery.

Indy. What is the theme of your book?

Amy. My book contains several themes, but the central thematic question I explore is the question “What is true greatness?” In developing this theme, I drew on the paradoxical “strength through weakness” concept that Paul develops in 2 Corinthians 12. King Alfred’s life is a powerful testimony to the way God often does great things through weak, humble people and so it seemed only natural to develop this idea in a book set during Alfred’s reign. (By the way, I’ll be talking about this more at my virtual launch event if you’re interested.)

Indy. Now that you’ve finished your first book, where are you going to go from here?

Amy. Well, I’m currently drafting Among the Outcast, which is Book II in the series! All being well, that should come out in 2024. Beyond that, I’m not sure. We’ll see where the Lord leads!

Indy. Has the book come out yet?

Amy. Among the Great is coming out on October 4th!

Indy. Thank you so much for joining the blog today, and I hope you all enjoyed this interview and will check out the links below!

Don’t miss the release! Sign up to Amy’s monthly newsletter here! https://amyullrich.com

Tomorrow I’ll be sharing the second part of this interview, so watch out for that!

With a spark and a flame,


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